
  • Jesmond Early Education Centre believes that effective communication between educators and parents/guardians is essential.

    We wish to always keep the lines of communication open. Relationships between parents and educators is a partnership in child rearing, development & care, based on mutual respect, courtesy and understanding. The service has a specific plan for communicating and parent involvement within the service (Please refer to Parent Involvement and Communication Policy.) You may feel free to visit the service at any time to observe and take part in your child’s progress. Our service relies on the varied skills of the community to maintain and develop its service. When your child is accepted for placement, you become a member of the Association and accept responsibility to contribute.

    Ways you can help:

    • Become a Management Committee member.
    • Donations of craft items – paper, ribbons, empty food/makeup boxes, etc
    • Read notices and return forms promptly.
    • Attend Working Bees.
    • Support fundraising ventures.

    Share any special interests or hobbies that may enrich the overall program for the children, e.g. Music, craft, etc.

    • Contribute to the daily Curriculum and the Family Input by commenting your ideas and your children experiences at home, interest, holidays etc